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Botanical Babe Houseplants

Mini String Of Hearts

Mini String Of Hearts

Regular price £7.99 GBP
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The "String of Hearts" plant, scientifically known as Ceropegia woodii, is a lovely trailing succulent vine appreciated for its delicate heart-shaped leaves and elegant appearance. It's a popular choice for indoor gardening and can make a charming addition to your home or office decor. Here are some key features and care tips for the String of Hearts plant:


  • String of Hearts features small, heart-shaped leaves that are typically green, but some varieties may have silver variegation.
  • The leaves are strung along long, slender stems, creating a cascading or trailing effect.
  • In the right conditions, the plant may produce small, tubular, pink or purple flowers that resemble miniature lanterns.

Care Tips:

  1. Light: Provide your String of Hearts with bright, indirect sunlight. It can tolerate some direct morning sunlight, but it should be protected from harsh afternoon sun, which can scorch the leaves. Inadequate light may result in leggy growth and reduced leaf vibrancy.

  2. Watering: Allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil to dry out between waterings. These plants prefer to dry out slightly between waterings to prevent root rot. Water thoroughly when you do water, and ensure the pot has good drainage.

  3. Humidity: String of Hearts is relatively adaptable to indoor humidity levels but appreciates moderate to high humidity. Misting the leaves or placing a humidity tray nearby can help increase humidity levels, especially in dry indoor environments.

  4. Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Protect the plant from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations, especially during the winter.

  5. Soil: Plant your String of Hearts in a well-draining succulent or cactus potting mix. A mix that includes perlite or sand for added drainage works well.

  6. Fertilization: Feed your plant with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce or eliminate fertilization in the winter months.

  7. Pruning: Prune your String of Hearts to control its size and encourage bushier growth. Trimming back leggy stems and removing any yellowing or damaged leaves can help maintain its appearance.

  8. Propagation: String of Hearts can be easily propagated from stem cuttings. Simply snip a healthy stem and place it in a new pot with suitable potting mix. Roots will typically form at the leaf nodes.

String of Hearts is a delightful and relatively low-maintenance plant that can bring a touch of charm to your indoor space. With attention to its specific care needs, such as lighting, watering, and humidity, you can enjoy the graceful beauty of this succulent vine.

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